
Nation Assembly Museum

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Permanent Exhibition

a permanent exhibition room

There are four permanent exhibition halls on two floors at the museum.

  • Exhibition Hall 1 showcases the tangible outcomes of the Provisional Assembly, which was set up in Shanghai, China, and the lives of independence activities after the March First Independence Movement.
  • Exhibition Hall 2 highlights major political developments from the Constituent Assembly to the 12th National Assembly (9th amendment to the Constitution) and related legislative activities.
  • Exhibition Hall 3 features the advancement of democracy since the 9th amendment to the Constitution in 1987 and the deliberations of the 13th - 21st National Assemblies.
  • Exhibition Hall 4 exhibits the remarks and activities of former Speakers of the National Assembly.

The recommended viewing order begins with Exhibition Halls 1 and 2 on the second floor and then moves on to Exhibition Halls 3 and 4 on the first floor.
The National Assembly Experience Hall provides a venue for tour orientation, in which visitors can better understand the exhibits of the Museum and experience the voting process of the Assembly’s plenary session in an environment reminiscent of the Plenary Chamber.